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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nyt, Tarkastellaan! (Se on vitsi aika!)

Vitsi means "joke". When you say, Hyvä vitsi, it means "Very Funny!
Now let's study the words from the last post one by one. After studying this, I hope you can now understand the jokes :)

Potilas- Patient

Sai- got, from the rootword säädä- to get, Sai is in the past tense

mielisairaalasta- Mental hospital, from the word mieli which means mood/psyche/mind and sairaala which means hospital.

lomaa- vacation/leave

kirja- book

varten- means for, or purposes

kirjoittamista- means writing, from the word kirjoitta- to write

kirjan kirjoittamista varten- then means for writing a book

Kuukauden kuluttua- Months after, Kuukausi- month, kuluttua- after

hän- he

toi- brought, from the word tuoda- to bring, we'll take about past tense later

laakarille- laakari means doctor, it becomes laakarille because the use of allative case, suffix -lle means onto something or someone.

lahja- gift/present

tyyli- style, tyylikkään- stylish

paksu- thick

jonka- which

han itse- himself, itse means self

oli- past tense of olla- to be, means was/had

oli sitonut- had committed/ had done, from the word sitoutua- commit/do

tuumi/tuuma- thought


  1. Suomi on kaunis maa (ei mää)

  2. Säädä is imperative word from the rootword säätää. Saada is the rootword for the word sai.
