Vitsi means "joke". When you say, Hyvä vitsi, it means "Very Funny!
Now let's study the words from the last post one by one. After studying this, I hope you can now understand the jokes :)
Potilas- Patient
Sai- got, from the rootword säädä- to get, Sai is in the past tense
mielisairaalasta- Mental hospital, from the word mieli which means mood/psyche/mind and sairaala which means hospital.
lomaa- vacation/leave
kirja- book
varten- means for, or purposes
kirjoittamista- means writing, from the word kirjoitta- to write
kirjan kirjoittamista varten- then means for writing a book
Kuukauden kuluttua- Months after, Kuukausi- month, kuluttua- after
hän- he
toi- brought, from the word tuoda- to bring, we'll take about past tense later
laakarille- laakari means doctor, it becomes laakarille because the use of allative case, suffix -lle means onto something or someone.
lahja- gift/present
tyyli- style, tyylikkään- stylish
paksu- thick
jonka- which
han itse- himself, itse means self
oli- past tense of olla- to be, means was/had
oli sitonut- had committed/ had done, from the word sitoutua- commit/do
tuumi/tuuma- thought
Suomi on kaunis maa (ei mää)
ReplyDeleteSäädä is imperative word from the rootword säätää. Saada is the rootword for the word sai.